Grade 8 Expectations

Student Responsibility Sheet 2015-2016
Teacher: April Carmo Hislop
Subject: English 8/GATE
Email for parent communication:
Email for student communication:
Room: 307

Course Description
English 8 and English 8 GATE are language arts courses in which you will read and respond to literature, experience all stages of the writing process, learn library research skills, work on grammar and vocabulary development, and prepare and make oral presentations. In addition to your regular school reading, you will progress toward the eighth grade goal of reading one million words annually on your own.

Grading and Late Work Policy
In order to learn and progress in this class, it is important for you to keep up with all assignments. If you stay on task, you’ll have plenty of time to complete all your assignments. Some assignments will require additional time outside of class. Due dates will be announced and posted on the front board when they are assigned. Keep track of assignment due dates in your binder reminder or calendar.

Assignments are due on time and will only be accepted one day late. The score on late assignments will be reduced by one letter grade, or 10%. If you don’t turn in an assignment after one day, you will receive a zero for that assignment. Work being completed when class starts is considered late and will not be accepted. Assignments turned in missing first and last names will be considered LATE, and will be graded accordingly.

Once every grading period, I will hold an Opportunity Day in class. This will be your opportunity to raise your grade, complete a service project, or complete extra credit. Opportunity Days will be scheduled as needed according to my discretion.

If you’re failing English with an overall grade of D- or F, I could refer you to The Center for Success at lunchtime to complete missing assignments and/or alternate assignments. These assignments will earn a maximum of 60% of the original point value.

If you have an excused absence, I will give you additional time to complete work without a late penalty.

Grades are based on:
Essays, Projects, Tests, and Quizzes: Big assignments like these count for 40% of your grade.
Classwork: Daily work will count for another 30% of your grade.
Homework: Turning in homework on time counts for 10% of your grade.
Accelerated Reader: Progressing toward AR goals and bringing your SSR/AR book daily counts for 10% of your grade.
Citizenship: Your behavior, attitude, participation, and promptness counts for 10% of your grade.

Each quarter, I choose an extra credit task that you can complete regardless of your grade.

Accelerated Reader
You will set reading progress goals using Accelerated Reader at the beginning of each semester. Progression toward these goals will be 10% of each quarter grade. Students who always have an SSR book and who use their SSR time wisely will have no problem completing their AR goals. If you choose a book that cannot be evaluated using the Accelerated Reader program, I will assign AR points according to my discretion. You are able to take AR quizzes before school, during lunch, and after school in the Chico Junior Library. You may use my classroom computers to complete quizzes during SSR, as well.

You should expect to have homework each week, Monday through Thursday nights. Weekend homework is seldom assigned, but not unheard-of. Daily work not completed in class is considered homework. Additional homework will be assigned as needed. If you have completed all assigned work, you should read your SSR book for at least twenty minutes each night.

You are tardy if you are not in your seat with all materials ready when the bell rings. The first tardy will result in a verbal warning. All tardies after the first one will result in referrals.

Tardiness is disruptive to the educational process. Students are expected to attend school regularly and punctually. The school will take appropriate disciplinary action when a student is habitually tardy. (CUSD Administration Policy 5100.) Consequences could include verbal warnings, parent contact/conference, referral to counselor or administration, grade reduction, or suspension.

Hall Passes
Hall passes will be for emergencies only and will be issued at my discretion. You will receive one restroom pass per quarter.

Suggested Materials
Three-ring binder just for English work, or a section in your regular binder to use for English
Loose-Leaf Binder Paper
Pencil Sharpener
SSR Book (This should be your Accelerated Reader book.)
Binder Reminder or Calendar (I provide calendars for students who don’t have binder reminders.)

Please contact me if you have any difficulties whatsoever securing these materials.

Please design an organization system that works for you, and use it. Do not throw away any passed back or graded work for this class unless I ask you to specifically do so.

If you lose a handout and need another one, I will deduct points from your citizenship grade. Be organized.

Classroom Rules
Be on time.
Be respectful.
Stay on task.
Do your best.
The teacher dismisses you (not the bell).

WOCS Discipline Procedure
First Offense: W = Warning (I will let you know that what you are doing is unacceptable.)

Second Offense: O = Outside (I will send you outside, and we will have a short discussion about behavior and choices.  I will make a notation in my gradebook, and your citizenship grade will be lowered by 2 points.)

Third Offense: C = Call Home (I will send you to the office with a referral. You will call home and say this to a parent:
“Mrs. Hislop asked me to call you and tell you that I am making poor choices in class. My conduct is making it hard for me and others to learn.
Mrs. Hislop wanted me to let you know so you can help me with my behavior.”

Fourth Offense (or more): S = Suspension from the class for 1-2 days.

Remember, following the rules is 10% of your grade. You earn a citizenship grade weekly worth 10 points. 10/10 means you have followed every single rule, all the time, every day.

***Please note: Serious or repeated infractions of rules will result in immediate referral to administration.***

Parents can contact me at school through email if they have questions about this course or wish to discuss student progress. Requests for parent/teacher conferences can be made by calling the office at 891-3066. I am not available for impromptu conferences after school to discuss student progress unless you have made an appointment with me through email ahead of time.