1. Wait until Mrs. Hislop greets the class at the door to enter.
When the tardy bell rings . . .
1. Be in your assigned seat with your materials ready and your backpacks stored.
2. Copy down your homework and any reminders into your binder reminder (Mondays).
3. Have any homework or assignment which is due out on your desk.
4. Begin answering the journal prompt or working on the grammar exercises on the SmartBoard until Mrs. Hislop tells you to do something else.
5. If you are not already on step #2 above when the bell rings, YOU ARE TARDY.
1. Be in your assigned seat with your materials ready and your backpacks stored.
2. Copy down your homework and any reminders into your binder reminder (Mondays).
3. Have any homework or assignment which is due out on your desk.
4. Begin answering the journal prompt or working on the grammar exercises on the SmartBoard until Mrs. Hislop tells you to do something else.
5. If you are not already on step #2 above when the bell rings, YOU ARE TARDY.
If you need to use the restroom . . .
1. Get out your restroom pass. Remember, you only get ONE per quarter.
2. If Mrs. Hislop is talking at the front of the classroom, hold your restroom pass up in the air.
3. If it is an emergency and you don’t have a restroom pass, let Mrs. Hislop know.
4. If you need to use the restroom and you have lost your pass, you will lose citizenship points.
If you do not have a pencil or paper . . .
1. BORROW some from someone else in class BEFORE the bell rings. If you are asking people for pencils or paper after the bell rings, you have just earned yourself a tardy. If no one will give you paper or pencils because you are always asking them for supplies, you have STILL earned yourself a tardy. Mrs. Hislop sometimes has sharpened pencils on her desk for you to borrow, but you have to give her something in return, like your iPod or cell phone or shoe, if you want to borrow one of hers. There is also lined paper in a basket on the file cabinets in the back of the room. If you need some, please get it BEFORE class starts!
1. BORROW some from someone else in class BEFORE the bell rings. If you are asking people for pencils or paper after the bell rings, you have just earned yourself a tardy. If no one will give you paper or pencils because you are always asking them for supplies, you have STILL earned yourself a tardy. Mrs. Hislop sometimes has sharpened pencils on her desk for you to borrow, but you have to give her something in return, like your iPod or cell phone or shoe, if you want to borrow one of hers. There is also lined paper in a basket on the file cabinets in the back of the room. If you need some, please get it BEFORE class starts!
If you break a rule . . .
1. First Offense: W = Warning (I will let you know that what you are doing is unacceptable.)
2. Second Offense: O = Outside (I will send you outside, and we will have a short discussion about behavior and choices. I will make a notation in my gradebook, and your citizenship grade will be lowered by 2 points.)
3. Third Offense: C = Call Home (I will send you to the office with a referral. You will call home and say this to a parent: “Mrs. Hislop asked me to call you and tell you that I am making poor choices in class. My conduct is making it hard for me and others to learn. Mrs. Hislop wanted me to let you know so you can help me with my behavior.”
4. Fourth Offense (or more): S = Suspension from the class for 1-2 days.
1. First Offense: W = Warning (I will let you know that what you are doing is unacceptable.)
2. Second Offense: O = Outside (I will send you outside, and we will have a short discussion about behavior and choices. I will make a notation in my gradebook, and your citizenship grade will be lowered by 2 points.)
3. Third Offense: C = Call Home (I will send you to the office with a referral. You will call home and say this to a parent: “Mrs. Hislop asked me to call you and tell you that I am making poor choices in class. My conduct is making it hard for me and others to learn. Mrs. Hislop wanted me to let you know so you can help me with my behavior.”
4. Fourth Offense (or more): S = Suspension from the class for 1-2 days.
If the end of class bell rings . . .
1. Wait for Mrs. Hislop to dismiss you.
2. Make sure all materials are put away and trash is picked up.
3. Straighten your desk. If it is the last period of the day, put your chair on your desk.
4. Remain standing behind your desk until Mrs. Hislop dismisses you.
1. Wait for Mrs. Hislop to dismiss you.
2. Make sure all materials are put away and trash is picked up.
3. Straighten your desk. If it is the last period of the day, put your chair on your desk.
4. Remain standing behind your desk until Mrs. Hislop dismisses you.
If the fire alarm sounds . . .
1. Leave your materials at your desk.
2. Calmly and quietly exit the classroom, single file, and go to the grassy area.
3. Wait in the grassy area for further instructions.
If there is an earthquake . . .
1. Stand up, move your chair aside, and crouch beneath your desk or a nearby table.
If you have a question . . .
1. Without speaking, raise your hand and wait to be called on.
Two fingers in the air = “I need to sharpen my pencil.”
If you need to sharpen your pencil . . .
1. If it is during instruction time, WAIT until instruction time is over. If it is urgent,
raise two fingers and wait for permission. If you get permission, go sharpen your pencil. If I ignore you, the answer is no.
2. If it is during classwork time, sharpen your pencil without disturbing others.
If you need a tissue . . .
1. Quietly get a tissue from the back of the room or the desk in the front of the classroom.
If it is SSR and you forgot your book or just finished your book . . .
1. Borrow a book before SSR begins. If you are still looking for a book when the bell rings, you are TARDY.
2. If you want to borrow the book from Mrs. Hislop until you finish it, talk to her after class.